Authenticity Over Algorithms


June 22, 2022

I am tired of seeing my fellow creatives sing and dance (literally and metaphorically) because they think their success depends on a video-loving algorithm.

And I get it. The anxiety is real. For years, Instagram has been (and still is) an incredible, free platform with which we can connect to people all across the globe. 

But it seems like it’s changing all the time nowadays. And whether you’re an artist or not, you have undoubtedly noticed an influx of videos and reels into your feed.

As my friend so aptly experimented recently, out of 100 posts in her feed, 58% were video. 22% were advertisements. 15% were follow suggestions (with only 2 still images and 13 videos). That left just 5 out of 100 posts featuring still images shared by the people she follows.

No wonder so many creatives are feeling the need to sing and dance in videos.

I want to pause right here and clarify two things. 

First, this is not a rant against Instagram. In fact, as a for-profit corporation with a history of changing its platforms to compete and make more profit, I expect them to do this. They are fully within their rights to do so.

Second, we, as creatives, are fully within our rights to leverage this free platform (and to manipulate its algorithmic whims) for our greatest benefit. Our creative work needs and deserves to be big and bold and beautiful in the world, and if we can use Instagram to reach more people, then I’m all for it. Singing and dancing and videos included. 

But what breaks my heart is seeing defeated, deflated, seemingly powerless creatives giving up their authenticity—and doing things that they despise—because they think that there is no other way.

I’m here to tell you—whether you’re a creative or a loving follower of creatives, there is another way, and you are not powerless.

I am also not here to tell you what to do in light of the ever-changing algorithm. That is something that each of us has to decide on our own.

What I am here to do is share with you an idea—one that amplifies the voices of creatives and puts the power back into our hands.

I won’t lie to you, I miss the ‘gram of the good ol’ days. Videos are fine and whatnot, and they certainly have their place, but there are a plethora of platforms where I can go to watch videos. There are only so many places where I can go nowadays to have my spirits washed by a sea of moving photographs. 

And unfortunately, the number of places where I can enjoy good photography—and beautiful artwork captured by good photography—is dwindling. 

This is where my idea for the Still Beauty newsletter originated. Instagram is no longer doing it for me, so I’ve created a platform of my own.

Still Beauty is, of course, many layered. The newsletter features still images (no videos around here). It is also intended to be a place of calm—of stillness.

Still Beauty is also a gentle reminder—that there is still beauty in places where it feels entirely lost.

I use the term “beauty” loosely here. To me, “beauty” is authenticity. It is expression. It is delight.

Beauty is unexpected. It is different. It is unapologetic, and it is bold.

Beauty is finding the calm and the trust and the blessings-in-disguise when everything else around us feels hard and like it’s all going wrong.

Even then, there is still beauty. We just have to be open enough to see it.

Still Beauty is a lighthouse—of hope, of power, and of possibility.

It is the new way in which I intend to champion and celebrate the voices of my fellow creatives, and I do hope that you will consider joining me.

Logistically, Still Beauty is simple. Each issue features five honest photographs that I love. My soul is drawn to art that evokes emotion and that is expressive.

I am open to sharing anything that moves me and feels authentic.

I find images through my own perusing. I also gather nominations and submissions through the hashtag #stillbeautynewsletter. (See? We’re still leveraging the big, bad platform.😉)

But the power is in my hands. And in your hands. 

You tell me what images are speaking to you, and I seek them out—while actively trying to amplify the voices of creatives with smaller platforms and marginalized histories.

Does this sound like a movement you want to be part of?

As I write this, I am an artist and writer myself, and I am a one-woman-show. I am committed to my own creative work, first, and to curating these beautiful and inspiring newsletters, second.

Will I be able to share more than one newsletter a month? I sure hope so. And will I one day be able to hire a team to help me spread even more beauty in the world? That’s the dream.

The thing I feel most compelled to point out, though, is that the power of this platform depends on the number of us who get on board. My job will be loads easier the more that you share images for consideration for the newsletter.

I am honored to share creativity that speaks and artwork that I love. But what I really want is for the power to be in good-hearted creatives’ hands. And that power only grows with each person who joins this rebellious little community.

How exciting would it be to amplify five voices every week in front of hundreds of thousands of creatives and their supporters? I am overwhelmed with gratitude just thinking about it.

So, here’s what you can do, right now, today:

  1. Subscribe to the Still Beauty newsletter. You have the option of getting the Still Beauty newsletter only, or you can also sign up for periodic pep talks and studio updates from me. The choice is entirely yours (no hard feelings either way), but if you enjoy one, I suspect you’ll enjoy the other. 

  2. Tell everyone who will listen about this powerful movement of creatives that you’re joining, and how you hope they’ll join, too. Share these beautiful graphics to your Instagram stories, and tag me at @stephaniekirklandart so we can show the world how excited we are about this powerful community.

  3. Tag your photos and encourage others to tag theirs with the hashtag #stillbeautynewsletter. I highly, highly encourage you to nominate photos by lesser-known and historically marginalized creatives. We are here to amplify authenticity and heart-centered voices, and I’d love for the fullness of our humanity to be expressed. 

Are you tired of seeing creatives singing and dancing to fit into a box? Good. Me, too.

Join Still Beauty and help us bring back the stills.

A newsletter for creatives, by creatives.

A celebration of authenticity, stillness, boldness, and expression.

Join us and help spread the word.

My promise to you: Treat your email as my own, per my privacy policy.